Is it Flower$?

Everything Flower$

Flower$ sits at the core of everything in the CornerBoyz universe. As the universe grows more utility will be added. The mission of CornerBoyz extends further than a 2D PFP, or a 3D avatar. It`s about family, utility, and of course the main life source of any Cannabis lover, FLOWER$ that lets us fuel our ecosystem the TRUE way, on the blockchain & in real life.


Each CBZ Seed + 4 Cornerboyz is able to claim 42 FLOWER$ tokens per day. Indoor cultivated Seeds yield twice the amount of FLOWER$.


Got lore for your CornerBoyz? 240 FLOWER$ and it is on the blockchain. Custom name needed? That`s 42 FLOWER$. CornerBoyz name needs an update? That`ll only be 4 FLOWER$.

Play & CollectWith

4 FLOWER$, you can send one of your CornerBoyz on a city adventure to collect exclusive NFTs, Highlands, parts of the seasonal FLOWER$ prize pool and more.

Indoor Growth

Hold any two Seeds in your wallet and burn 420 FLOWERS$ to receive a virtual indoor growth equipment.


FLOWER$ isn't only a Utility Token, its a Governance Token too. #wakeandbake!
FLOWER$ is the utility token that fuels the Cornerboyz ecosystem. It is NOT an investment and has NO economic value.

Each CBZ Seed + 4 CornerBoyz is able to claim 42 FLOWER$ tokens per day for a period of ten years. Indoor cultivated Seeds yield twice the amount of FLOWER$.

CBZ DAO LLC.1550 N El Centro AV, Los Angeles, CA. 90028